Rocking Speer Ranch, LLP Farrier ServicesAug 144 minRocking Speer Ranch Breaks Social MediaIn the age of social media, it's easy to find advice on horse care at the click of a button.
Rocking Speer Ranch, LLP Farrier ServicesApr 212 minEquine Endocrinopathic Laminitis: Understanding and Management by Joshua J. Speer M. Agr, AFInsulin plays a pivotal role in endocrinopathic laminitis. Approximately 90% of lameness cases are associated with EMS or PPID.
Rocking Speer Ranch, LLP Farrier ServicesFeb 29 minUnderstanding the Causes and Treatment of Equine LaminitisEquine laminitis, a term dreaded by horse owners and caretakers alike; perceived as a death sentence for these majestic animals.